Article 1- The Iranian Society of Environmentalists, hereinafter referred to as the society, has been established for the qualitative promotion of environmental knowledge through the coordination of developmental perspectives and objectives of sustainable development thereof utilizing appropriate technology as well as developing the quality and quantity of specialized training and research work.
Article 2- The society, a registered non-profit organization, is an independent legal entity involved in training, research, and scientific and technical affairs.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors is the legal representative of the society.
Article 3- The society is based in Tehran and its provincial branches may be established throughout the country with the approval of the Committee of Academic Societies at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Research, hereinafter CAS.
Article 4- The society is established for an unlimited time with effect from the registration date and shall comply with all laws and regulations of the I.R. of Iran.
Article 5- In order to achieve the objectives mentioned in Article 1, the society shall undertake the following :
Exchange of views, data collection and research on environmental issues
Continuously upgrading the knowledge of the national experts through the publication and dissemination of documents and reports on the activities of the society (outcomes of conferences, seminars, symposiums, etc.) in forms of books, bulletins, journals, and through other appropriate media that would help achieve the objectives of the society
Carrying out necessary research activities or encouraging their implementation and compilation of different environmental standards and criteria and dissemination thereof, evaluation of projects and making necessary modifications
Drawing contracts through granting scholarships and providing individuals and institutes with educational and financial support
Identifying and introducing engineers, innovators and institutes with environmental activities and reporting the results thereof
Holding and or cooperating in holding environmental conferences and seminars as well as industrial exhibitions and scientific and technical gatherings
Identifying and analyzing the technical difficulties and environmental shortcomings existing in the national development plan, proposing solutions and publishing materials as such for the information of all research, technical and scientific institutes and manufacturing firms
Collaborating in comprehensive planning for the development of environmental knowledge aiming at achieving national economic and cultural objectives through cooperation with institutes for higher education and academic bodies
Offering necessary suggestions to the ministry of science, research and technology for the classification of its academics and experts, conferring specialty and professional certificates with respect to the varied capabilities and specialties of the society members so as to evaluate and upgrade the capacity of national expertise
Conducting studies and offering educational and consultative services in the areas of environmental engineering and technology to the academic, technical and manufacturing units in the country
Establishing and developing academic, technical, educational and research relationship, taking membership or cooperating with organizations whose activities are in some way in line with those of the domestic and global aims and objectives of the society with emphasis on regional cooperation in accordance with the laws and regulations of the I.R. of Iran
Article 6- Types and conditions of membership are as follows :
6-1 Full membership:
Founders of the society and all holders of a bachelor degree or higher in one of the fields of environment or environmental health and related fields active in environmental concerns may seek full membership.
6-2 Associate membership:
1st. Holders of a bachelor degree
2nd. Non-academic professionals active in environmental concerns
6-3 Student membership:
Students majoring in environmental fields
6-4 Honorary membership:
Iranian and foreign personalities who from academic, technical and economic aspects have contributed to the achievement of the objectives of the society
6-5 Legal members:
Organizations and legal persons who directly or indirectly deal with environmental issues may seek membership.
Note 1: Honorary members enjoy the same rights as the full members exclusive of being elected for the Board of Directors.
Note 2: Legal members have the same status as associate members.
Article 7- All members shall pay an annual membership fee the amount of which shall be decided by the general assembly.
Note 1: Payment of the membership fee shall not entitle the members to raise any claim against the assets of the society.
Note 2: Honorary members are exempt from membership fees.
Article 8- Membership shall terminate under one of the following conditions :
Written resignation
Failure to pay the annual membership fee
Note 1: The Board of Directors ratifies the termination of membership.
Article 9- The main bodies are as follows :
The General Assembly
The Board of Directors (The Board of Executives)
The Inspectors
A. The General Assembly
Article 10- The general meeting, ordinary or extraordinary, is held with the presence of all members.
The ordinary general meeting is held once a year with presence or the written consent of the majority (50 + 1) of the full members and the decision of the majority present is binding.
If the meeting cannot be held after the fist call, it shall be held in no less than twenty days with any number of members.
When deemed necessary, the extraordinary general meeting is held at the request of the board of directors or the inspector(s) or the written request of one third of the full members.
The extraordinary general meeting shall proceed under the condition for the ordinary general meeting as mentioned in 10-1 and 10-2 and its decisions are valid and binding with two thirds of the votes.
Note: Invitations for the general meetings are in writing or announced in the printed media at least fifteen days before the meeting is held.
Article 11- Powers of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings
Election of the members of the Board of Directors, Inspector(s)
Ratification of the policies of the society
Review and ratification of the proposals of the Board of Directors and Inspector(s)
Deciding the amount of the membership fee, approving the society budget and balance sheets
Approving the articles of association
Dismissing the Board of Directors (The Board of Executives) and Inspector(s)
Approving the dissolution of the society
Note 1: The Board of Executives consisting of one chairperson, one secretary and two observers conducts the general meetings.
Note 2: Members of the board shall be elected in the meeting upon nominating themselves.
Note3: Members of the board cannot be elected from among those having nominated themselves for the board of directors and inspectors.
Note 4: The extraordinary general meeting is held to decide on articles 11-5, 11-6 and 11-7.
B. The Board of Executives
Article 12- The Board of Executives of the society consists of nine principal and two alternate members elected from among the full members by secret votes every three years.
Membership in the Board of Executives is honorary.
The Board of Executives shall meet in no longer than a month after being elected and by written votes shall elect the chairperson, the vice-chairperson, the treasurer, and the secretary of the society determining their scope of responsibility.
The Chairperson of the Board with the ratification of the present majority of the members shall appoint one of the members his deputy.
All obligatory documents and negotiable papers are valid with the signatures of the Chairperson of the Board and the Treasurer and the seal of the society. The chairperson or the secretary of the society signs other official correspondences.
The Board of Directors shall hold its meetings at least once a month.
The Board of Directors shall proceed with its meetings with the presence of the majority of the members and the decisions adopted by the majority are valid and binding.
All decisions of the Board of Directors are recorded, signed by the members of the board and saved in the board's minutes of meetings.
All members of the Board of Directors shall attend all meetings. Absence without excuse at the discretion of the Board of Directors for three consecutive or five inconsecutive sessions shall be interpreted as the resignation of the member(s).
In case of resignation, dismissal or the death of a board member, the alternate member shall resume his/her office for the remaining period.
The inspector(s) may attend the meetings having no right of vote.
The Board of Executives shall call for a general meeting in no less than four months from the end of their term to elect the new board of directors and report the results to the CAS.
Note: The Board of Directors in office shall resume responsibility until the board of directors elect is sanctioned by the CAS.
Responsibilities of the Secretary :
1. Management of the secretariat
2. Collection and classification of all the decisions of each and every commission within the society
3. Registration of the members with regard to the conditions of the articles of association and the regulations thereof
4. Correspondence
5. Performing the assignments of the Board of Directors
Article 13- The Board of Directors is the legal representative of the society their scope of responsibility and authority being as follows :
Management of the current affairs of the society in accordance with the articles of association and regulations sanctioned by the general assembly
Formation of scientific groups within the society, determining their tasks and supervising them
Maintaining and safeguarding the societies movable and immovable properties
Codification and ratification of the regulations
Preparation of the annual report and balance sheet to be presented to the general assembly
Filing lawsuits against any real or legal person and defending any litigation against the society throughout the legal proceedings with the power to appoint attorneys in-fact or by proxy
Selection and introduction of the representatives of the society to attend domestic and international scientific gatherings
Performance of the society’s projects and scientific programs within the framework of the responsibilities of the society
Drawing donations and raising funds
Granting educational and research scholarships
Making decision regarding joining national and international scientific associations with respect to the laws and regulations of the I.R. Iran
Reporting to the CAS
Setting up employment conditions for the regular working staff of the society
Publishing scientific magazines and books in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country
C. Inspector(s)
Article 14- The ordinary general meeting elects two principal and one alternate inspectors for two years.
Note: Re-election of the same inspector(s) is permissible.
Article 15- The Inspectors scope of responsibility is as follows :
Auditing all financial documents and books and preparing reports to be presented to the General Assembly
Reviewing the annual report of the Board of Directors and reflecting the operations of the society to the General Assembly
Reporting the Board of Director’s violations of the articles of association to the General Assembly
Note: The Board of Directors shall grant the inspector(s) unconditional access to all society documents financial or otherwise at any time.
Article 16- The society may form the following groups and committees which may operate in accordance with the descriptions set forth by the Board of Directors :
1. Specialized groups 2. Education and research committee 3. Publications committee 4. Statistics and information committee 5. Admission and public relations committee 6. Conference committee
The Board of Directors codifies and ratifies all regulations regarding the formation of the groups and committees.
Article 17- Financial sources of the society are as follows :
Membership fees
Revenues from educational, research and consultative services rendered
Donations and funds
Article 18- All revenues and expenditures are registered in the society ledger and with the approval of the General Assembly reported to the CAS.
Article 19- The society funds are all kept in a special account in its own name in domestic banks.
Article 20- All documents including financial files are kept in the society headquarters.
Article 21- Any amendments to the society articles of association are only valid upon the approval of the CAS.
Article 22- The society is of Iranian national and the members shall not use that as political platform.
Article 23- In case the General Assembly approves the dissolution of the society, the Assembly shall appoint liquidators to settle the society's affairs.
Having achieved a balance, the liquidators shall transfer all the movable and immovable properties of the society to one of the educational or research institutions approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.
Article 24- The society articles of association consisting of 6 chapters, 24 articles and 13 notes were approved in the General Assembly on this first day of May, Nineteen hundred and Ninety-five.
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